Hi.This is my first blog entry so it may be boring.On my Dad's blog you may have read the story about the roller coaster thing, well this is what was going through my mind.So this is our 2nd day at Disney and I want to go on something fun and fast. We finally make it to the park and we hear about this roller coaster. I think it is going to be a safari kind of ride and it's a nice short wait so why not try it?So we get in line and I see some strange drawings and I am thinking  strange stuff to have on a kidie ride.So we get to the top of line and I see a little train.I get on and we have a few little bumps then we get to the top of this big montain and we hear a loud rour and I think what is going on?We suddenly get pulled back into the darkness and go on to a different path.So I'm very happy as the we start to go faster.

to be continued... 

by Lily
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2/9/2010 8:14 PM

12:00  odette

by Lily
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1/13/2007 12:22 PM

1-12 my mom is putin shelfs up on the wols wol i am  tiping this wol my dog

by Lily
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1/12/2007 12:00 PM

my name is lily. my dog's name is odette. my neighbors are blake and ian. i live in a small house. my parents are sort of crazy.

by Lily
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1/11/2007 2:16 PM

We have another snow day today. Odette loves the snow and won't come into the house. I went sledding with my next door neighbor Ian.

by Lily
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1/11/2007 1:08 PM