We've been in New York since Saturday. It's been a great trip. On Sunday, we went to see Mary Poppins at the Amsterdam Theater. It was a nice performance. It was a bit workman-like.

On Monday we went to the Natural History Museum. Lily was interested in everything. She found the animal exhibits particularly fascinating. She seemed to latch onto the exhibit which showed the lions as they basked in the afternoon sun (maybe after a meal of gazelle?).

Today we went to see the Statue of Liberty. It's a long ride on the subway from Queens. It took a long time to get through the security gates before we could even get in line to board the ferry. I was a little surprised and saddened at how tight the security was to get onto the ferry. It made me a little sad and I have to wonder what type of world we're leaving for Lily.

Tomorrow we're going to see South Pacific at Lincoln Center. I'm really looking forward to it. At three hours, it's a long show. We'll see how Lily holds up.

by Brian
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4/1/2008 6:00 PM