Will take place Aug 12-19.

by Emily
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2/21/2006 5:32 PM

This is my first blog entry under the new permission scheme. There will be lots more to come.
by Emily
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6/15/2004 3:24 PM

Our caucus is 10 am Saturday.
by Emily
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2/4/2004 11:54 AM

So all these years c-span has been around, where was I?

Tonite there was the army & marine chief of staffs talking to some Congressional committee (armed services?) about Iraq. One subject -- the original humvees were inadequately armored for the kind of fighting there, so they are working to up-armor the humvees. The army has 6 vendors working on it, 5 of them providing up-armor kits to be applied to existing humvees and only 1 manufacturing new humvees with the enhanced armor. But the kits only provide partial protection -- they are limited in weight by the original humvee's engine/frame etc. The army is "working on" and talking to "ceo's" about manufacturing more humvees with enhanced armor.

Last nite: Bush talking to a group at Fidelity - where his speech was about the economy and might have been more suited to a jr high school class. Broad statements and simplifications that you would think that audience too sophisticated to put up with. But who walks out on the President...

by Emily
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1/31/2004 3:11 AM

Ha! I beat Brian to reporting on the Return of the King movie! It was pretty good - battle scenes on a grand scale. Brian and I couldn't understand how they could cast commanding figures for all of the leaders except for the actual "King". Hmm.

Jenna babysat while we were out. She has asked if Lily would be a flower girl in her wedding next fall -- and tonite she tried to interest Lily in some pictures of dresses -- but Lily will have only red. So, she may or may not be in the wedding...
by Emily
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1/13/2004 2:42 AM